
Helping teachers to monitor a positive classroom cultureTM.

Teachers know they can’t see or hear all their student’s interactions.

ClassNeighborsTM is a “real-time tool” to help teachers understand their student’s interactions in the classroom.

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Going Far Beyond Anti-Bulling Programs!

The mental health crisis among students continues to intensify, with rising rates of loneliness, depression, isolation, low self-esteem, self-harm, bullying, and cyberbullying.

From kindergarten through 12th grade, students repeatedly interact with one another. Over 13 years!

Teachers can play a role by creating a supportive, safe learning environment for all students.

It's Time to Think Differently!

ClassNeighbors.com1 is a teacher-friendly tool for monitoring real-time and historical data2 of your students' interactions.

It also offers recommendations to help you foster positive social connections among all students.

1 Patent pending

2 COPPA-compliant

A Simple Idea That Went Viral In 2014, 2018 and 2023!

Teachers are increasingly aware of the impact of student interactions on their ability to learn. was inspired by a dedicated teacher featured in a 2014 Reader's Digest® article.

Simple questions can reveal the hidden dynamics of student relationships, giving insights beyond the immediate classroom and onto the playground, at the lunch table, and on the bus.

The teacher asked three simple questions:

1. "If we change seats next week, who would you like to sit next to?"

2. "Who do you think deserves to be 'Citizen of the Week'?"

3. “Why did you choose that student for ‘Citizen of the Week’?”

Her approach resonated with many teachers who adopted it in their own classrooms.

However, teachers have found that reviewing student’s written responses is very time-consuming and difficult to identify changes from past responses.

ClassNeighborsTM offers a straightforward solution: it INSTANTLY analyzes and compares past student voting to help you monitor student interactions and delivers immediate results via your school email or our website.

We recommend that students vote once or twice a month. We’ll also suggest classroom activities for you to choose from.

1. Who had many friend requests last month and none this month?

2. Who never gets noticed enough to be nominated for Citizen of the Week?

3. Which students never get requested by classmates to sit together?

4. Who doesn’t even know who to request to sit with?

With ClassNeighborsTM, you can also compare past student selections to identify changes in student interactions EASILY.

ClassNeighborsTM instantly provides your students’ selections and compares past responses for you.

You won’t have to lay out your students’ responses to study them on your kitchen table.

ClassNeighborsTM is an additional tool for teachers to assist them in monitoring the healthy and safe learning environment they want for all their students!

We can help you monitor for a positive classroom culture!

As a registered user, you will receive;

  • Unlimited use of ClassNeighborsTM.
  • Opt-in / Opt-out to Email Summary Report.
  • Decide how often students vote, and we will send you an email reminder.
  • Instant results of your student’s selections.
  • Quick tool to compare changes from past selections.
  • The following special reports -
    • Who had many friend requests last week and none this week?
    • Who never gets noticed enough to be nominated for Citizen of the Week?
    • Which students do not request to sit with any classmate?
    • Who doesn’t even know who to request to sit with?
  • Ideas for Classroom Activities to promote social interaction.
  • A custom feature to add or delete your Citizen of the Week voting criteria.
  • Color-coded reports for quick visual identification.
  • Built-in security prevents selections until you open ClassNeighborsTM for student use.

Please give it a try!

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